
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Healing Yoga. Song cred: Dancing With My Breath by Christy

Made this as a promotion video for my first video back to teaching at Soul Strong in over a month.

What was kind of cool about this, is I just listened to this song so much and decided to just turn on the song and move with zero plan. And do what felt right in the moment.
And it felt like my favorite yoga experience.

Ancient Relics With Amy!πŸ’•

Amy doing her "Antiques Roadshow" presentation. 

My fave TikToks/Reels These Days

My Plant Babies. An Update.

Steve testing my “Bridge Therapy”

This did not go quite as planned. :)

Italian Pas De Chat Demonstration

My students asked me to make this slow motion of this, so they could see it and learn it better.  And it was actually kinda fun.

Moments from Texas Snowmageddon 2021

Vulnerable YogaπŸ§˜πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

This was right after I got out of the hospital.

Yoga for Recovery

This was right in the middle of the toughest month of mine and Steve's life.

One of my stress hacks

Sam’s Cat Essay

Sam has been dying for a cat for so long! 
He wrote this essay to try and convince us he is ready.
We loved it. 
But we are still not entirely convinced ;)


This lovely lady has been a yoga student of mine for a few months now. It was instant friend love at first sight for us. But today was our first official "friend date". 
And it could not have gone better. 
She is amazing.
This was my yoga class theme today. Healing.

Amy gave us these ancient arrowheads that have been in her family for three generations now.
She also gave me these stones, fossils and crystals. My Chakra stones are in here too.

I had to redo my yoga room. I really wanted it with a lot more plant life. 
Amy bought and painted this shelf for me.
She has been helping with the redecorating of this room for me.
This is her "work" life entails in essence.

Some of my plants died. 
And I really felt ready to bring in more and healing type plants for me.
I love them all!
I have been taking a lot of Webinars on the counseling app BetterHelp. 
They have been super informative!!!
Here's a slide I liked from the "Boundaries" crash course.
My dance job is so amazing! 
It is the best dance job I have ever had in all the ways. 
I am so grateful.
They highlighted me on their socials today.

Just some screengrabs of stuff resonating to me right now.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Healing Phase 2

Screenshots I felt were important and or memorable.

I missed I think nearly 6 weeks of teaching yoga at my studio. 
I really missed it!
This week I got back. And it felt oh so good!

Lunch date with my lover.

Been Youtubing a lot.
And I am beginning to enjoy it.

June's cat that is also a cat supermodel.
My husband who is a husbandsupermodel.
Steve trying out my "Bridge Therapy" technique.
It was a bit chilly. 
And the bridge ended up being closed on the other side.
So the effect was not so great, haha.

Steve and I spent an amazing afternoon on her property.
I took a photo of Amy and Steve each taking their turns through her "Sacred Tree Portal".
Sacred trees, these are.  :)

Another amazing & beautiful day with Amy

Amy doing her "Antiques Roadshow" pose prior to her presentation.
She took out a box full of fossils, arrowheads, and ancient relics that blew my mind! 
She never lets me leave her place emptyhanded. But these for me, were just soo soo special. 

First Texas Bluebonnets I saw this year at Amy's property that day!
Amy is a chair hoarder.
But she has very very good reasons.
She is happy to tell you all of them.
Which are many.
But she makes some really valid points!!!

Amy and I also really love trees together.
And admire the many on her property every time I come over.

She is also a magical spiritualist in the best ways!

Grieving, Learning & Healing Phase 1

Again, only screenshots for this post for now.

Some of my amazing students on my first day back at dance after a month!

Slides from an amazing Grief crash course I attended!

Some slides from an amazing "Power of Saying No" crash course that I attended.

Amy scribbled the above. I love it.
I sent this beautiful song about mothers to Andy, and he sent this very sweetest text back. Made me happy cry.