
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mommy's Little Mess Maker

Sam is officially two and making his kind of fellow toddlers proud.  He is such a messy kid!!!  
The other day I needed to take a quick shower.  All the older kids were at school.  So I gave Charity some crayons and coloring paper, and Sam had his toys.  I plopped them in front of the TV in my room, while I tried to get clean, fast!  When I got out, Sam said "I mess."  I thought, "I figured...What this time?"  In lightning speed, he had found some oatmeal in the pantry and ripped it open and spilled it all over my bedroom floor.  The floor that I had literally vacuumed just 10 minutes prior.  
Later in the day I was cooking dinner, and he did the same exact thing, but in the office.  This kid is a fast mover and he takes quick advantage of any chance to make a mess.

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