
Monday, August 3, 2015

Our Week

The other day some of the kids got into building human pyramids and had a blast doing so.

Jonah is ALWAYS practicing guitar these days.
I have also been taking Celeste and Jonah out for driving practice as much as we can.  They are doing pretty good with it now.
Sam and Nate are so cute together.  They love to snuggle when they sleep.
The kids had a Harry Potter movie marathon in honor of Harry Potter's birthday.
Charity drew me this cute picture after I took her on a mommy date.
We went to swim at the river again for FFD.
And Jonah just had to bring his guitar along.
After swimming we went to Andy's game.  He played another amazing game.  He is improving still and looking more impressive on the court.
But the babies were tuckered out.

1 comment:

Alysa . . . . and Reed said...

You guys have so much fun together! I love it! Jonah is more brave than I,I would never take my guitar near a body of water for fear of it falling in somehow. LOL But how awesome that he's having such a blast playing it!! Can't wait to hear him sometime! :)