Charity got to play the role of Clara for two of our four performances. And she was so cute in her costume! Here she is, just after getting ready for our first show.
My mom had arrived the day before and was super helpful in a lot of the show preparations. Including a last minute hemming of Sam's pants.
Some of our cast at the family dress rehearsal/performance at the Dance Gallery.
My friend Amy, who has served on my nonprofit board, and whose son is seen in these photos, shared these of Charity and Payton.
Mom took this one of all our family who performed, on Sunday at the Library during our main two performances. Hana played the Russian Princess solo, Flower and Snow Maiden. Sam played Fritz, Clara's brother. Steve and I played Clara's parents. And I also danced the Arabian Princess solo.
On Thursday Dec 5th, we had our final performance at the Boys and Girls Club in Georgetown. There we presented our check to the Georgetown Police Department's Blue Santa program. It was a little over $1300 and it will be used to provide Christmas presents to children in need.
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