At the ceremony we were asked to give a little presentation about him and how he has displayed the various values Cub Scouts hopes to teach. As I wrote these up, I actually got emotional because Jonah really has come so far in the past 5 years. Looking back, I am not sure I would have been able to envision him accomplishing achieving Arrow of Light and graduating from Cub Scouts. I also would have had a terribly difficult time being able to point out any examples of him displaying the following values. He still has his challenges, but I'm so thankful for his progress! He's a really good boy.
Here's what we said at his ceremony:
2- Courage- Jonah's courage has increased this past year as he has overcome some fears and pushed himself to do things that he used to be afraid to try.
3- Self-control- We are so proud of how much Jonah has grown in this area. He handles himself in a much more mature way. He is also very good to come home from school and immediately without being asked, get his chores and homework done before he does anything else, which exhibits a lot of self-control.
4- Justice- Jonah has also learned a great deal about accepting and understanding the need for consequences for our actions. He wants to live a good life because of his knowledge about justice.
5- Faith- Jonah has a great deal of faith. In our family when we have difficulties or stressful situations, he is often the first one I will turn to to ask for his prayers because I know that his faith often exceeds mine. Time and time again, special little miracles for our family have happened because of his prayers.
6- Hope- Jonah has a lot of hopes for his life. He is confident in his hopes for all the great things he will do in the future. He knows that his hopes, combined with his faith and hard work, will happen.
7- Love- Jonah loves his family a lot. He often will say “I love you” just because. He gives us and his baby sister plenty of hugs and shows his love by trying to help and lift us up when we are down.
It was fun to learn a little bit more about Jonah. What a great kid! Way to go Amanda, I mean Jonah! :) I would have done that cross the word out thing, but I don't know how to.
Way to go Jonah!
Happy birthday, Jonah! Conrgats on earning your Arrow of Light!
That's a great accomplishment!!
YAY Jonah !!! That is awesome.
That is great! He is a special kid! I know Ryan is a big fan! :)
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