In rehab, they only allow for one, two hour visitation per month! And they only allow 5 close guests to visit. So on the day we got to visit Jonah, (yesterday), we had myself, Celeste, Becca, Eden, and Steve.
Our first surprise was his mohawk! He said some friend persuaded him into doing it and turns out, he LOVES it, so we had nothing else to do but to LOVE it too!
Some of my observations that joyfully brought me to tears a on several occasions during this visit, was how different he was from the other two rehab stints he had.
He is learning and understanding and implementing so many valuable lessons. He is patient and kind and humble and accepting. His attitude has undergone an incredible transformation.
Another observation I had was about his music. I have been listening to Jonah create music since he first picked up a guitar over four years ago. His music during his battle with addiction was dark, it was jolting and uneasy on the ears. But it was true to what was going on within him. And so I always have had to respect and help guide his creative process to challenge himself to make music that would be pleasant for ANYONE to listen to. He really struggled with it during his addiction. His music now sounds very very different!
So with all these observations in mind, I feel grateful and optimistic for Jonah. His future at this rate, is very bright.

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