
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer Woes and Pros

Top 5 Things I am loving about Summer:

1- Not having to spend hours on homework each day with my kids.
2- Not having to get the kids up for school by 7 am each day.
3- All the fun activities we've been able to do.
4- After 7 weeks of Summer I'm having a hard time coming up with any more positives. I miss year round school!

Top 5 Things I'm not liking about Summer:

1- I've said "Shut the door" a million times.
2- The flies that keep swarming the house because said doors keep being left open.
3- The constant disaster my house seems to be in.
4- Feeding kids around the clock. They just eat all the time! It's like I'm a 24 hour cook and housekeeper.
5- I rarely can take a nap and I am very tired from being preggo.
6- Do I have to stop at 5?


Carrie said...

I think you need a blogger pal to come cook and take care of you. I am without a job...shall I send a resume?
I am from Ohio and have NEVER heard of year round school. How exactly does that work out for breaks and such?

Swasey family said...

AMEN SISTER!!!!!! THE QUOTE "SHUT THE DOOR"!!!!!Could seriously make me loose my mind.I can NOT keep this house cold enough, and the flies..I SOO HEAR YA!!!!!

KunaBoy said...

Our highlight so far was our wonderful visit last week! Thanks for the great time!!!

Sarah said...

I miss year round school, too!! I finally understand why my mom was so excited for school to start in the fall. I do love sleeping in a bit every day, though. How are you feeling?

ManicMandee said...

Sarah- I'm feeling pretty good! Just mostly uncomfortable.

Carrie- You are SOOOO hired! Don't even worry about the resume! Come asap. Please.
About year round school:
Year round school is wonderful in my opinion! You send your kids to school the same amount of days of traditional school, but your breaks are different.
Instead of getting a 12 week Summer break, you only get a 6 week Summer break. Which is PERFECT. Then during the school year, you get two 3 week breaks. One in the Fall and one in the Spring. Making it great for the time you are burned out on school (and the kids too.) And you can take vacations during "off" times. I loved it.

Mary said...

I so remember those days and can really identify the the "mid-summer kid fatigue." Just remember, time flies and before you know it, not only will they be off to school, but off to college!

Anonymous said...

I so relate about the tired pregnant thing and I only have two kids. You are awesome!

Hot Pants said...

I guess I stand alone, but I LOVE summer. I'm feeling so sad that it is going by so fast. I have done a lot of the "shut the door!" thing though.

E said...

Summer is flying by too fast for me. I absolutely love it! Hang in there.

Jen said...

You need to send the kids over here for an afternoon! It's been so hot I've thought about making the living room into a "movie theater" one afternoon, popping some popcorn and hosting some neighborhood kids so they don't all die of heat exhaustion!!