Man I don't feel like blogging much anymore! Just not feeling it.
To make matters worse, I'm not even gonna bother to add photos again for this post. BORING.
We got to go to California for a couple of reunions and got back just over a week ago. It was a really good trip. I liked all of it except for *making the trip to the beach with my sick baby who felt miserable, and then being stuck in traffic forever to get home from said beach, and *worrying about our van biting the dust at any given moment. Otherwise, the rest of the trip was splendid. We did Disneyland one day and had a lot of relatives there and it was a blast. Even our little Becca was brave enough to ride all the roller coasters with us. Space Mountain was the best!
We got to see a lot of family and hang out a lot. Good, good times.
Today is Eden's Birthday! (And Father's Day too of course.) It was a bit tricky trying to make the day feel special for not only Steve but for Eden who felt a bit jipped for having to share her day with Father's Day. But she ended up being fine. She's 9! I'll gush over her on her birthday on the private blog I keep for my kids and spare ya.
This week Steve and I are going on Trek with the teenagers at church. 4 days trekking in the Wyoming wilderness, pulling handcarts. I have a lot of mixed feelings about the whole thing as we have been anxiously making all the preparations. My very generous big sis Anna will be watching the kids and I'm feeling super guilty over that. (Not so much for leaving the kids admittedly, but for Anna having to take care of another 5 kids for that long.) She and Trent are good sports!
That's all I've got this time. Later