
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Difference

One thing that I've been thinking about is that everyone in this world has something to offer. One might look at all the good to be done and rate it in order of importance. I think that is something that is completely inaccurate. Everyone gives in different ways. Adoption is not, nor should it be everyone's mission. Donating money is not, nor should it be everyone's mission. Volunteer work is not, nor should it be everyone's mission. You get the idea. There's too much out there to do for everyone to be expected to do it all! Some times the smallest things can cause the greatest good. I think of examples in my own life. Things that could seem small to some, but were huge to me.

I will never forget when we first moved to Idaho 9 years ago. When we got there, even though we knew people, I still managed to feel alone. I was 9 months pregnant, had 2 children ages 1 and 2, was staying in a temporary apartment for what we were told we could only have for a few weeks, and trying to get acclimated. I wasn't sure if this was where I wanted to be. Then one day at the grocery store a stranger was simply friendly to me. It was enough to totally change my spirits and make me feel great about our move and I never looked back. This person I am sure has no idea of the affect they had on me. But it was a great blessing and something I will always be grateful for.

Those little things mean so much!

When we decided to adopt a second child from Ethiopia, our financial reserves were almost gone. Because of my oldest sister and her husband's financial generosity we were able to move forward and pay for that second child referral. I hope she isn't mortified of me mentioning this because I know she did it without any desire for reward or praise. But if it weren't for their help, it's possible we would have missed out on the chance to get Hana! Which the thought itself rips my heart out! Their help was so generous, and so profound in our lives and the life of our Hana. I jokingly tell them Hana is 10% their daughter now. Which I hope they remember when it comes time to pay for her wedding. :)

Maybe a kind word, or a note is the thing that actually saves someone from suicide? You never know. I love the scripture that talks about the body (of Christ) and how every single part of the body (member) is vitally important. This makes more sense when you are sick, or you lose the functioning of the smallest body part. Have you ever done something like smash your thumb? And then when your thumb was something you could go weeks without ever thinking about, you suddenly realize how life without it working right is quite difficult?

I also think of Helen Keller. She was both blind and deaf. If you compared what she accomplished in her life alongside what many people in this world have done, you wouldn't think it was a big deal. But the fact that she did what she did with her limited capabilities, has made a huge impact on thousands upon thousands of people.

We all have different resources. We all have different lives and circumstances. That's why comparing yourself to others can never be done fairly.

Everything good you do, no matter how small or big you think it might be, is IMPORTANT. It makes a DIFFERENCE!

I hope and pray that I never make anyone feel that they are not good enough or aren't doing enough. If I have, I am so sorry! The life of those around me are such a vital part of my happiness. Just your association with me makes a difference in my life alone. Thank you. Keep it up.

Make someone smile.
Help someone out.
Hug your kids.
Tell someone you are thankful for them.
Give what you can. Whatever that is.

Everyone has a different mission in life. Find it and love it. My mission is no better than yours. I guarantee it.


Alysa . . . . and Reed said...

Awesome. Thank you - very motivating for me! I really needed to hear that. I am very guilty of feeling that what I have to offer is so much less than others - I am not so very much. But what I offer is of value and it is important. Thanks for reminding me.

Jen and Brent said...

This was so inspirational! Thank you! You have a gift for writing!

Stefani B. said...

I love when you update! Thanks for the reminder...I've needed this lately.

E said...

Thanks for the inspiration! We need reminders every now and again.

Emily said...

That was a great post. You have been such an inspiration and example to me. Don't even get me started...