
Monday, August 13, 2007


Emily is an awesome sister!!!! I have been really busy but always really admired her blog and wanted to start one. Well, after telling her this again, today she decided she'd start mine for me. And here it is! She even put the links of other bloggers I like. Like my sister in-laws. Emily rocks my world. I miss her all the time. She is such a good friend and support. Thanks Emily!!!!! (She's just as busy as me too!)
This is a picture of her in Anna's FiltaFry van. There's Chris P. Fry on the van. Isn't it the most wonderful van you ever saw? It brings joy to my heart.


Emily said...

I'm so excited you have your blog now!! No excuses now, you MUST keep it up! I love you!!!

Amber Waite said...

Hey Amanda, I'm so excited that you have a blog now. That's awesome! I've really enjoyed reading Emily's blogs and keeping up with everything that's going on with her family and I definetly look forward to reading yours as well. It's really a nice way to keep in touch with my sisters. We love ya, keep up the blogging.

Andrew Waite said...

ok now talk about me next!!!!