
Monday, February 18, 2008

Anna Celeste

Our beautiful, and oldest daughter is turning 9 today. Happy Birthday sweetheart. We are really proud of her. She is very smart socially and academically. And she is also a good friend to me. One of my favorite things about Celeste is that I can talk to her like I would talk to another adult. She understands things way beyond her years and likes to talk about those things. It's nice for me as a mom at times when I am surrounded by children so much, to have someone to talk to. She is a joy to us.

Celeste about a year ago.

Celeste last Summer.


Cristin said...


eekareek said...

Happy Birthday Celeste!!

Brian Bishop said...

Lots of February birthdays for your family! I hope it's a happy one for Celeste (and that Jonah and Steve had great birthdays as well!). Enjoy your time in Bakersfield.

Thanks for putting the music back up. Your selections are great--I put them on sometimes in my office when I'm here late at night for a good pick-me-up. :-)


Emily said...

Happy Birrthday Celeste! I can attest to the fact that this girl has BRAINS and she is wise beyond her years. I will always have fond memories of the time she came to visit me a few years ago and we had some very mature conversations. I love you Celeste!

Memzy said...

Celeste=smawty pants.
Looking forward to seeing you here in Bako. Sorry I missed you the other night at the Gramps Waite. My bro Kev, just left town last night. Come over anytime!

Anna B said...

Happy Birthday Anna Celeste, my little name sake. Blythe misses you. I hope you have a great time with Grandma & Grandpa Waite.

Robyn said...

Happy birthday, Celeste!

Amber Waite said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Celeste!

Sorry, we haven't been able to see you guys a whole lot since you've been in town. We've all been sick:( BUT now we're all better and it turns out Andy doesn't have to go to the convention like he thought he would so hopefully we'll see you guys a lot more this week.

Amber Waite said...

Oh yeah, and I can't wait for Disneyland! It's going to be so much fun.