
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ultrasound pics

I got an ultrasound yesterday and here are a couple of the pictures they sent me home with. Pretty cute kid hu?
The last couple of days have been crappy. I must have puked 100 times on Monday. Amy can attest to that. I couldn't stop when we were talking on the phone. She just laughed. (Not offended though Amy! Everyone needs a good laugh :) Tuesday was minimally better. Today a bit better even. Amy brought me a cherry slush yesterday. I thought that was so sweet!
Yesterday I got a little spooked at my ultrasound. The doctor there said that there was a moderate amount of blood in my uterus coming from my placenta. She said that put me at risk for preterm labor. I've been having cramping since the beginning of my pregnancy, but have not put too much thought into it. But they were picking up contractions on the ultrasound. Fortunately the baby looks great and I am happy about that. They are running some more tests which I wont get back for about 10 days I think. I think that everything is fine, but I can't help but be a little nervous.
I'm 13 weeks now. Due date: August 20, 2008. Which was confirmed at yesterday's ultrasound.


Dalana and Mark said...

I'm sorry you've been so sick this week! It's supposed to be getting better each week! I can't believe how well you can see the baby's body this early on, amazing! I'm glad everything looks good there and we'll continue to keep you in our prayers regarding the other issue. Aug. 20th was my due date w/ Cooper, how fun. You're in your 2nd trimester, that's cool.

Vegas Family said...

Congrats! I hope you start to feel better soon.

My friend just sent me her ultra sound photo and it is amazing. It is 3D and you can see the face. I was going to post it on my blog soon.

Anna B said...

I'm sorry you are still throwing up so much, to be expected though right? The baby looks like another Bishop look alike, I'm predicting of the male specisis.

Emily said...

Those pictures are great!!! I love them. I'm sorry you are so sick. I hope it gets better soon. I found a magic pill combo that works wonders for me and I feel somewhat human again! I hope the tests turn out ok and you don't have any complications. Your in my prayers. Love you!

E said...

Looks like a boy to me--having three boys has given me a good eye for these things. August 20th is Gus's birthday. I think you had a baby on Cord's birthday, too, June 20th. Copycat

Amber Waite said...

What a beautiful baby, Amanda! I'm so excited for you. Sorry you're sick though. That's never fun:( but at least you know that it will be totally worth it when that adorable baby comes.

Memzy said...

We will pray for you.

Brains birthday is August 19th. And I new Cord was sooper RAD. We share the June 20th birthday.

eekareek said...

So cute! I am very jealous of you right now. Except for the puking thing. The baby looks sweet and cute. They got some good pictures. Hope everything goes well. Keep us posting.

Markie23 said...

I think those are the first ultra-sound pictures where I could actually see a baby in there. Thanks for posting!

Robyn said...

The baby looks just like you, Amanda! Ha!Ha! Lots of happy thoughts are coming your way for a healthy and happy pregnancy and baby.

Hot Pants said...

I will just go ahead and keep open the whole month of August. I am pretty sure you are going to want me there fot the special occassion. Afterall, I brought you that slushy.