So I don't think the majority of people would really want to read a boring birth story, but there are a few out there that have asked me to. So I'll comply. I absolutely do not expect you all to read it. For those of you that just want the quick details, I'll do that first.
I was induced. It took forever. There were a few hiccups that made the whole process a little harder. But she finally got here after a very long and difficult labor Wednesday morning at 5:08 am. She was 5 lbs. 15 oz. and 20 " long. She and I are both home now and recovering just fine.
Long birth story version for you nutty people who really want to know.
I had planned to have a very natural birth. I did a lot of reading and took classes and was all set to go for a completely unmedicated delivery. I had a midwife and a doula. My two worst fears as I prepared for her arrival were these: First that she would be breech. Becca was breech and getting her turned while I was in labor was a nightmare!!! Second, that my labor would be so long I wouldn't be able to handle it. Both fears were realized.
So as it turned out, at 37 weeks, 3 days pregnant, I needed to be induced because my blood pressure was just too dangerously high. I was concerned that having to be induced would make the delivery harder because pitocin causes such intense contracting. I also worried that since she was having to come out early and I was not dilated at all I was gonna be in the for the long haul.
On Monday night they had me start citatek. By morning I was only dilated to a 2 and 50% effaced. Kind of a bummer. Contractions were starting and they felt like progress was looking good enough to start pitocin. So I started pitocin very early Tuesday morning. Contractions picked up a bit more. After hours of that though, there was no further dilation. Soon they realized that she had turned to have her feet coming first (breech) and that she either needed to be turned, or they needed to do a C-section. I honestly considered the C-section because of my experience with having Becca turned. But I decided to go ahead and let them turn her. It was painful and a bit scary, but not as bad as it was with Becca. What's better is it was a success! So then things started to move forward a bit better. They wanted to break my water even though I was still at a 2 to kind of help keep her head down. So they did that and immediately contractions got very intense.
I had never done a natural delivery before. I never had the desire to try it before this pregnancy. I thought I knew a little of what to expect. Afterall, I had labored to a 5 with Jonah without too much problem and without any pain medication. But I was in for a treat. It was much harder than I expected. The pain was pretty intense. I had no idea a uterus was that strong!
I managed to deal with it though until I was completely dilated. They told me it was time to push. I pushed for about an hour. But nothing seemed to be happening. They were getting a little concerned. They told me they thought that she was turned again in a way that was going to make it extremely difficult to deliver. They said that she was in a position in which some women just opt for a C-section rather than to try to do vaginally. She had her head down, but it was like sideways or something. They said in order to still deliver her vaginally, they would probably need to put their hand up inside of me and turn her head. At that point, I hadn't slept in two nights, and had been laboring so long and hard. So I was like "GIVE ME THE EPIDURAL NOW." Thankfully the anesthesiologist quickly came in and took care of business.
They did their thing and successfully turned her again. Then I started pushing again. With the epidural it seemed like no problem at all. I think I pushed for about another hour and she was finally delivered!
I was overcome with relief and joy. I couldn't stop kissing her and telling her I loved her. Tears couldn't be held back either. It was wonderful. All things checked out and she looked good.
They did their thing and successfully turned her again. Then I started pushing again. With the epidural it seemed like no problem at all. I think I pushed for about another hour and she was finally delivered!
I was overcome with relief and joy. I couldn't stop kissing her and telling her I loved her. Tears couldn't be held back either. It was wonderful. All things checked out and she looked good.
About a couple of hours after delivery I started getting a massive headache. It was a strange one. If I layed down flat, it went almost away completely. But if I raised my head at all, it was miserable. They told me I had a spinal headache from the epidural. Apparently it only happens 1 in 200 epidurals. I was ordered to lay flat and hope that it would get better on it's own. It didn't. This morning they said that it could last weeks and the only way to fix it was to either lay flat as much as possible, or to get a blood patch. I opted for the blood patch as taking care of a newborn while laying flat on your back 24/7 isn't really reasonable.
The blood patch was really strange. It was basically like another epidural. They put the needle in my back while I curled up and I held that position while they drew blood out of my arm and put it directly into the epidural needle in my back. It felt really weird. Then I had to lay flat for about an hour. When the hour was done, my headache was completely gone! But my back was in bad shape. It still is. It feels like I'm getting electrocuted when I try to move or walk or anything. But at least if I stay still I am ok. And I can be upright and feed the baby and such. So I think it was a decent trade off. I'm hoping my back gets better soon though.
Charity is doing well. She is feeding well and looking good. She has been spitting up tons of amniotic fluid and has choked on it as well. Last night she stopped breathing for a minute and scared the life out of me. She turned very blue and I quickly gave her a little mouth to mouth and she started breathing again. So she kind of scares me and I feel like I have to watch her or have Steve watch her all the time. But otherwise I think she's doing well.
That's the long drawn out version. Hope it wasn't too boring!
19 comments: are stronger than me. Sorry that things were so hard for ya. Congrats on your beautiful baby precious! I hope that you feel better soon. :o)
Congrats to you and your family!! I am sorry you had such a rough delivery!! I hope your back feels better soon! Take care I will be praying for you and your new bigger family:)LeAnn
Holy cow, girl! You did good all the way around. I hope that you continue to improve physically. And that Charity settles down so that you aren't in a constant state of anxiety. I love you, Steve and the kids. Hope to see you in a few months. Cindy B.
Wow not boring at all. She is sooo sweet and you are so tough. I am so glad you didn't have to have the c section and I hope you feel better soon. Call me if you need anything! I love you!
You are AMAZING!!!I LOVED the birth story, it made me just cry thinking of you getting to a hold a brand new baby, that I know was a long time waiting!COngrats, I am SOO happy for you!She is absolutley beautiful!
Congratulations!! What an intense birth story!! You went through so much! What a superwoman! I hope your back feels better- that whole situation just sounds awful- and I know you are enjoying your baby. I can't wait to see you with her!! :) Call us if you need anything!!!!!
Epidurals are our friends! Congrats Amanda. She looks beautiful and we send you our best.
That was a super long labor to do naturally! I would have given in hours (or even days) before you did. I only did one of mine without anything, and that was only because she came too fast. After her I made sure to plan to enjoy the benefits of modern medicine. What can I say but that I am wimpy!
Congratulations! She looks like a sweetie and I'm so glad you guys are home and recovering. Your labor sounds like quite the ordeal! The things we go through to get these little ones here. I hope you're back is on the mend. I also hope Charity is able to get all of the fluid out and stops choking. Enjoy these special days with a newborn in the house. As you know, before you know it they're almost one!
Talk about a labour of love. It always amazes me how strong women are to go through all of that. I'm so glad that you are recovering and Charity is doing OK. How scary that she stopped breathing. I hope that doesn't happen again. I can't imagine how terrifying that must have been. Sending good thoughts your way. Miss you!
Congrats Bishop Family!
The Freemans
She's gorgeous, congratulations!
She's beautiful! I'm so glad you got through it all and hope you feel wonderful soon.
Congrats, so glad she is here!I can only imagine the sweet joy it must be to have her after losing Benjamin!Hope you get feeling better quickly. Thanks for sharing your story I never get tired of hearing a birth story as each one is a miracle and a journey worth documenting.I would definitely call her dr. about the breathing situation if you have not already. Again congrats to you and your sweet family. Hope you get to come to Bakersfield before she is to big! Take lots of pictures!!!
She's the most beautiful baby. Congrats Lucy.
Congratulations! She looks beautiful! Glad to hear she's doing ok. We certainly hope your back heals quickly. Love, Brian, Kamber, Sammie, and Spencer
She is so pretty! I can't believe the ordeal you went through! Yes, I'm one of those "nutty" people who wanted all the details. Glad it's all over and you now get to hold your sweet baby. I'm dying to come see her (and you). Let me know when you plan on blessing her.
Love you.
Congrats Bishop family! She's adorable! And I love hearing all the gory details, so thanks for sharing your story. Isn't it amazing what us women can endure for a baby? So proud of you. Good job!
WOW! I'm impressed! You must be of pioneer stock! I guess the trade off is you got one of the most beautiful babies in the world!!!Congratulations! We'll be praying for a speedy recovery so you can really enjoy your new addition.
Love you!
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