The before pictures- What a mess. It was kind of a storage room before I began.

So here's what I get and don't get credit for on this room-
I did: The idea and design
The painting of walls and woodwork
Putting up and painting the shelf
Picking out the accessories and putting them up
What I don't get credit for: The "stream" and artwork on the walls. I had an artist; Anna's brother in-law, come do that part.

The after shots from all angles.

You can't see the words on the walls very well in these photos, so I took photos of just the words too. It's pretty subtle but still noticeable when you're actually in the room and not seeing via photos. Which is what I wanted. These words are above the crib.

This picture didn't capture how cute that sun is. Maybe if you click on it, you'll see it better.

The puzzle that took us forever to put together. All framed in a very ghetto way. I took an old picture I didn't like so much anymore, took it out, painted the frame and sloppily put the puzzle in there instead. I didn't feel like forking over a bunch of money to have it professionally framed. Maybe I should have though.

This is behind and above the rocking chair.

The other wall.
Her room is beautiful!!!! I love the mural, he did a great job!!! I'm now feeling guilty since I've been in this house 9 years and I still haven't decorated the girls room. haha Someday...
Darling room. And I've been wondering if there is a woman alive who wishes she could go PAST her due date?
That is a BEAUTIFUL room! Makes me wish we had a room that I could decorate solely for Aftyn. But that will be in my dream house where I too can paint and beautify my rooms the way you have done. Awesome job! I can't wait to meet the little girl equal to that room.
WOW. Which bro in law of Anna's did that? I had no idea there were artists in that fam. Good luck on the delivery. I hope you go early too. Those last few weeks are the worst!
LOVE it! Now, all you need is that baby girl! Maybe you should get ready to break out that breast pump?
Great room! I don't think I have ever decorated any of my kids rooms. You've done it in about every house you've lived in. I always want to, and I always have ideas, but it's the following through with those ideas I have a hard time with. The closest I've come to is a semi nice bed spread.
what a beautiful bedroom.I love it!I wish we were in our new house now so we could paint and all that fun stuff!
Oh my gosh, it's BEAUTIFUL!! I want to pop over for a real life tour! I'm so excited for you to have her!!
It turned out so pretty!!! I'm excited for you!
It looks so cute! Good job with the design. I can't believe how soon the baby is coming. That flew by! (wink wink)
Renesme is gonna sleep like a literal BABY in that room! Soooo beautiful! I can see the nesting instinct has taken over.... perfect!
oh Amanda! It's sooo pretty! What a unique and beautiful theme. I can't believe you're so close to the end!!! Love to you!
Absolutely beautiful...I love it! Now, come decorate my do an amazing job!
So cute
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