This morning Steve and I and his big brother Brent ran a race. I say it's my last race of the season because it is getting cold here and I am not a cold weather runner. The frigid air does a nasty number on my throat and lungs. I don't know if I'll ever adjust to cold weather after growing up in California. Thus the reason for the treadmill now in our garage. Which I am pretty excited about. I got a free TV from someone and spent $13 on a TV stand and a VCR and cable at DI. So I've got a sweet little setup in the garage now. I ran on it today for the first time while watching a movie and it's great!
Back to the race. It was the Cougar Run 5k and there was a pretty good turnout for it. Lots and lots of runners and some pretty good ones too. Brent and I both got 7th place in our division. Steve got 8th. I think Brent finished about 50 seconds before us (he's a really great athlete,) and Steve and I finished together. Our time was 24:42, just under 8 minute miles. The course was good and there were plenty of cheering spectators to make you feel like a champ.
That's about all.
I think I ran that race a couple of times. Is it the one that goes around campus? That is a FUN one! And I honestly cannot believe your time. That is amazing. FREAKY, even! Congrats.
Way to go!!! I'm so proud of you and all that you are accomplishing. Yay for a treadmill. I wish I had one (ours broke). You are going to have running while you are here. We have some great trails around our neighborhood. I WON'T be going with you though--I can hardly WALK a mile right now.
Yep that's the one Memzy. It is a great course isn't it?
Congrats! The weather here will probably be good for running all winter. It's the hot summers that we have to contend with. But I like going at night so it's not so bad. Our treadmill is pretty dusty...
Wow! You guys are amazing! Say "Hi" to Brent and Jenalyn when you see them next from the Hulls! I found some of the other "Bishop" blogs on your links--it is great to see what everyone is up to!
That's great! Good for you! I need someone to motivate me....
YAY!!!! I'm not a cold weather runner/walker either. I'm kind of anti cold. Grats on the sweet deal on tv and stand.
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