I found this video by chance on YouTube. I never even knew this video was taken or when. Crazy. I love how she doesn't even bother to stand up. I think the whole point of Wii is to get people off of the couch. Leave it to my kids defy that. It's great how she leans to the side to try to get the ball to go where it needs go also. Thanks Sam for making Eden famous.
That is really funny that you found that by chance. Very cute. I think she scored higher than I did when I played bowling on Wii
How did you find this video? I think I would freak out if someone put a video of my kids on the internet without my permission.
Dwight counts his Wii playing as excercise. He will move all the furniture and get in gym clothes and totally thinks he is getting a work out. He does end up all sweaty, so maybe he is.
Hi, Sam's sister Amanda :]
I get a kick out of reading all your guys' blogs. They're always interesting/funny/cool. I hope I get to meet all of you soon too! :D
That is amazing that you found this video by chance. Were you thinking, that little blonde looks familar?
Very Cute!
I threw-out my shoulder bowling on the Wii. I haven't played it since. I think I was taking it too seriously.
Way to go Sam--exploiting our children via the internet!!
That was awesome. Way to go Eden. I've found a few of my kids videos on YouTube, luckily it was just Hayden blowing the little girl across the streets head off. No biggy. Love ya Uncle Sam.
That is so funny! I'm going to be giggling about that all night.
Wow, she could probably kick my butt at that game. She's definitely a natural.
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