I sit here quite frustrated that I am not driving down the road. We have been all set to go for an hour now but are waiting for a much needed package to arrive.
In the meantime, I will go ahead and blog away the worries.
To our contest. Here are all your names as you can plainly see!
Still all there
Still all there
Now with this little lady
See how she looks to the sky so as not to cheat! The name is being pulled...
The suspense is over!
Mark Bailey is our lucky winner! And I insist that he let me borrow that coveted scalp scratcher when he gets it. $14 Amazon bucks coming your way Uncle Mark! Congratulations!
Thanks for all your comments. It was fun getting them. Hope you aren't all annoyed by my desperate pleading for them. Still don't know who is in Japan or some other cities that keep coming up. But I think our MapLoco doesn't work right anyhow. Because of your comments, I was able to draw that conclusion. Appreciate ya. Take care everyone and have a great 4th of July!
Congratulations on getting 22 comments! Awesome! Sometimes people just need some encouragement.
Awe, shucks! Guess I missed out on this one. I may have only "sort of" got my name in the drawing but you really can count me in as a reader. Have a great time on your trip!
You're MOVING!!!!
Congrats! I need more details pleasekthanks. Email me when you can.
If I won, I would have bought you your own scalp scratcher. Thats OK - I promise to be a better reader and become a commenter more often. :)
I'm SO excited!!! I can't wait to get my head tingler in the mail! Thanks Amanda!!!
Mark's a cheater
Congrats Mark! And good luck with your move, Amanda.
I think Mark needs to create his own contest. Kind of like a pay it forward sort of thing. I really need to win something. The Idaho Power Ball never picks me either.
Is this thing on?
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