
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A few stragglers

So I got a couple of more questions after I posted the last revealing post about myself. You were all surprised by my honesty hu? Me too...a little.
So apparently when Shed asked "Bunch or Fold", he really meant to ask what kind of Toilet Paper wiping technique I use. So with that I have to give you one more shocking confession. (Read this part imagining the "Jaws" theme song playing in the background;because I guess I am pretty much a serial killer according to Jenny.) I FOLD my toilet paper! (That part should have been read with derision too.) And just as a little bonus, I've included a picture of my favorite kind of toilet paper. Unsolicited by Charmin too. Love those guys.

Memzy asked what my favorite kind of ice cream was. You know, I don't eat ice cream very much. I would rather widen my hips with candy like Twix bars. And I don't really have a favorite per say. But if I had to choose one, it would likely be something like this:

Anna asked what my favorite childhood memory was. And since she asked, I ripped off a picture from my childhood from her blog. Thanks Anna.
This is a photo of the kids in my family in 1982. Which would have made me about 4 years old depending on the month. Andy must have been a baby and Molly and Sam weren't born yet. So I thought about this question and really had a tough time coming up with a favorite! I am grateful to Anna for asking me though because it was quite a happy, nostalgic feeling thinking through some great childhood memories. I'll have to share some of them sometime. I have to say that I had a BLAST with my siblings growing up. It was like a party growing up with them. I loved remembering all the crazy things Tim and Shed did. However, the memory I choose to share today is this one though. When I was 11 my Dad picked me up from school and took me out to lunch. Just me and him. With 8 kids in the family, that made me feel very special. He not only took me to lunch, he took me to the fanciest, most expensive restaurant in town; The Bistro. It was so nice! Then he just wanted to talk with me about my life for a long time. I was convinced I was his favorite. And I have never forgotten that. That is why I get a babysitter now and then and take one of my children out on a "Mommy Date" so that they all have a chance to feel special and like they are my favorite. Because in their own ways, they are.


Memzy said...

You don't eat ice cream very much AND you are a folder?!!

Wow. ::giggle::

Shed said...

Folders are the best (and cleanest).

I loved your childhood memory. Mom and Dad were amazing at raising us kids. I never felt unloved or overlooked or forgotten. We were lucky kids!

FYI, you don't have to call me Shed. You can call me by my real new name, Spartacus.

Love you sis.

TimW8 said...

Two things. I totally fold also, but, I usually use half a roll everytime I go #2 so I can't afford the "good stuff" but I've always been a believer you shouldn't scrimp on TP.
#2 My favorite memory was when we had our ATC and riding that thing all over the place. But the best was when we took it down to the river bed and Mom rode it. That was soo funny. The look on her face. I think it was her first time riding it.

Jennifer P. said...

All the early 80's hairstyles--love 'em! Your girls look JUST like you ;)!

I guess it's a good thing you're moving--if you hung out with me I would SO convert you to the dark side---which involves a lot of ice cream! I'm a conniseur of fine ice cream :)---and then we'd both end up with wider hips!

Folder, huh? I honestly have never paid attention to what I do! But if Shed says they're the cleanest, I guess I'll become a folder!

Jennifer P. said...

oops!--as if I could say MORE--but I had to tell you that I loved the story about your Dad, and how you're taking the best of him into your parenting. Very sweet!

E said...

I'm not really an ice cream kind-a girl, either. Soft chocolate chip cookies are more my thing. I also buy Charmin. ;)