
Monday, May 26, 2008

It's totally true!

We are SOOOOO excited for Tim and Brenda. He announced this on his blog today and I could hardly believe it. I called him and it is confirmed! Tim is my brother and Brenda is his wife. They have been married for 13 years. A couple of years before they were married she was diagnosed with A.L.S. and told she only had a few years left to live. Tim and Brenda have said they knew they would marry long before Tim's mission. So when Tim got back from Japan, they were married in the LA temple soon thereafter. (Correct me Tim if I got any of this wrong.) They have been through more trials these past 13 years than anyone else I've known. And I admire them both very much. Brenda is a living miracle. To have this happen is also a miracle. And we wish them the very best. Congrats Tim and Brenda! We love you.


E said...

How'd you get your hands on that? That is so awesome!

Dalana and Mark said...

Wow! What great news! I'm so happy for Tim and Brenda and your whole Waite family!

Emily said...

It's a miracle, and I'm just in awe! If anybody deserves a baby, it's them!

Memzy said...

I vote for if it's a boy, calling him "Tiny Tim". And if it's a girl, Shafrika.

TimW8 said...

It's true we are going to have a spud. If it's a boy we will be naming him "Mini-Me" if it's a girl...Shafrika.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! Congratulations. I still have my pee stick from maddie in my sock drawer

ShelBailey said...

That's so cool.

We aren't sure where our pee stick is. Sam thinks it may be in the silverware drawer.

I hope it's not mixed up with the chopsticks...