
Monday, June 16, 2008

What our munchkins have been up to...

I just had to include this very strange photo I found on the camera. I am guessing this is Eden's foot. She is seeing just how far she can stretch that space where toe jam can accumulate. Weird.... So during the school year, I don't really like putting my kids in extra-curricular activities. I don't like sending them off to school for 8 hours, then just when they are getting back, sending them off to something else. I found my solution a few years ago. Each Summer I let them choose 2 activities they want to do during the Summer and support them in those activities then. As they get older, I might change and let them do things during the school year, but for now, this has worked. They have all chosen swim lessons the past 3 Summers. You'd think they'd be awesome swimmers now, but not so awesome yet. They like the lessons though. They have also chosen other activities like dance and sports before. This Summer here's what they chose:

Eden chose to do an art camp through Meridian Parks and Rec. The teacher was great! It was Mon-Fri for 3 hours each day last week. She learned a lot and had a blast. She loves art. She also chose to do swim lessons at Roaring Springs.
Eden at her art camp. She lost her first tooth last week!
Becca chose to take gymnastics lessons. She'll go every Monday afternoon for 45 minutes the whole Summer. Her first lesson was last week and it was SO cute to watch! I love seeing little girls in leotards. She will be taking swim lessons too.
Celeste chose "Tumble Time" Day Camp. I signed her up for a week. It was this past week. They did gymnastics each day, and a field trip. They also had Spanish, karate, dance, crafts, science experiments, and more. It was awesome! She also chose swimming lessons at Roaring Springs.
Jonah chose to do exactly what Celeste did. He really enjoyed the camp last week too. Swim lessons for all the kids start next week and go for 2 weeks.

I leave for Girls Camp tomorrow morning.
I will miss my kids! I'll especially miss Steve. I don't like being away from him the most. But I'll be back Friday nice and filthy and with lots of fun memories. I do enjoy being with the Young Women. I don't think I am the best example for them. I tend to turn into a teenager myself when I'm around them. But I think they know I love them and enjoy serving them.
Thanks Amy for taking my kids for a couple of days!!! That is so incredibly nice of you. You are amazing. Thanks Steve for taking a couple of days off too and for being a great Dad. You do a wonderful job supporting me in my calling.
See the rest of you in the blogging world later.


Dalana and Mark said...

How fun that the kids got to participate in these activities! That's a good idea to let them do extra stuff in the summer. You're a great mom! Have a good time at Girls Camp!

Memzy said...

Are you kidding? You are the BEST example EVER to those young women. Have fun at camp!!

Anna B said...

I hope you have a great time at Girls Camp. I'm jealous because that is one of my dream callings that I will never get...Camp Director that is. Sounds like the kids are having a great summer too...not so much for my kids.

E said...

I think I have been pigeon holed into "boy" callings since I don't have a daughter--forget the fact that I'm a girl. Hope you have a good time at camp!

We do a limited amount of school-year activities. I've looked into enrolling my kids in summer activities in the past, but family vacations always cut into the program and they'd end up missing half the activities. I didn't even bother trying this year. Hopefully they don't resent me in the future.

Emily said...

Hope you have a great time at girls camp!! I can't wait to hear all about it!

Jennifer P. said...

You are one smart cookie about the extracurricular stuff! Looks like the kids are in for lots of fun this summer!

HAVE FUN at girls camp! I think you are an amazing example to them, and I would have loved a leader like you when I was that age. Hope it stays warm :)!

Jennifer P. said...

Also had to tell you that I just did another "flashback" post. Came across an old journal and it was so funny that I had to write down what was in it----and looks like Troy and Mark came up again! Life is so funny :)!

Mikki said...

Definitely smart about the activities. But, I've already started down the other path and Carter would completely melt down if he didn't get to play soccer. Or anything with a ball and those usually don't happen during the summer.

Can't wait to see how girls camp goes. I'm excited to go up today (Thursday) and see what you all have been doing.

Cristin said...

Hey I love your summer plan! I think I'm gonna have to use your idea.