
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Your answers

Great questions guys! Some are pretty hard to answer though.

Shed asked: "Bunch or fold?"
Are you talking about laundry in general or underwear specifically? It makes a difference.

Jenny asked the following questions: "How have you changed most in the last five years?"
I know a lot more about myself now. These past five years have included some really awesome experiences and some really tough ones too. I've learned a lot from both. So my biggest personal changes are in how I cope with everything and how I take care of myself.

"If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?"Top requirement would have to be with my family and people I care most about, near me.
Next, I would love to be somewhere beautiful. Giant mountains and lots of trees are always very appealing to me.

"If your house was on fire and you could only save one of your cousins (during a sleepover with all your cousins, lets say), who would you save?"
This picture really creates that dramatic effect doesn't it? This one is definitely gonna break some hearts. So I will apologize up front for that.
Jenny underestimates me. I know I can save at least three of my cousins. I would grab Jenny in my left arm, Sara in my right arm, and have Amy sit on my shoulders and run. No problem.

"What is the biggest secret you have that you would never ever want anyone to ever know? Ever." I absolutely cannot answer that in the way you are all wishing. But I will tell you this... I do have ONE secret that I have NEVER told ANYONE EVER. Not even Steve. And I will never ever tell anyone either. I've held on to this one for many years and I doubt there is anything that would get it out of me. Water boarding may not even work. But just so you know, it is a secret that I do not believe will affect my final judgment.

Tim asked: "What is your favorite Michael Jackson song and why?"
Thriller. The music video is classic. The best part is the dead people dancing. The choreographer deserved a Nobel Peace Prize for that one.

He also asks: "What was the '#2 too personal on your most heartbreaking' post?" Tim was referring to my "Top Two's" post. I really hesitate to answer that one. There are a couple of things that came to mind and it's tough to decide which one would have been #2. I'll tell you both. Well, here goes. This is big. Ok. Well, many of you know already being family and all; I have Bi-polar disorder. I was diagnosed about 11 years ago. It is something I am always struggling with and has at times been more than I can bear. I swing from being manic, (which I usually don't mind as long as I don't humiliate myself or get too reckless,) to being very depressed. Sometimes swinging between the two a few times in one day. Most of the time I swing up and down, but not to the high or low extremes. A handful of times the depression has gotten way lower than your average Brooke Shields type. I have had some pretty bad crashes. When I crash I suffer from this terrible self-loathing. A couple of years ago I crashed way too low. I hated myself deeply. I wanted to end my life and tried to do so. I don't know how close I came to it, but there was a space of time that I was unconscious and in the ICU as a result. The recovery from that was like climbing Mt. Everest. It took at least a few months. And I don't know if I will ever be the same again. The other thing will likely sound pretty lame after that, but it was really truly heartbreaking to me. Not to mention it took me a lot longer to get over than the experience I just shared. Like a death almost. It was a breakup with a guy. This obviously was before Steve came around! And I don't need to name names because it wasn't a mean breakup or anything like that and I have/had no hard feelings towards him. Just loved him a lot and had a tough time letting go. I hope it wasn't as hard on him as it was on me. Of course it doesn't hurt my little heart anymore.

Emily asked: "What was your most embarrassing moment?" Thanks for lightening the mood Emily! Although you will soon wish you hadn't asked.
If I could answer the last question, I can answer this one too. Although if you are a guy, PLEASE don't read on because only a girl can understand or even stand reading it. It's gross. It's a typical story you'd read in "Teen Magazine's Most Embarrassing Moments" section. Do they still have that? I haven't looked in that magazine since I was a teeny bopper myself.
Here goes. I was a cheerleader in High School. We had this big championship football game at the College Stadium that sat thousands and thousands of people. I cheered the whole game being as obnoxious as can be. Kicking my leg to my head and acting like I really knew the rules to football. In reality my knowledge of football barely reached beyond what a touchdown was. It wasn't until the end of the game and I was going home that I realized I had started my period sometime during the game...As evidenced by the blood dripping down my legs. Nasty. I warned you. Beat that one if you can.
(I'm the one standing on the left.)

Jennifer asked: "I want to know what your favorite style of dance is? And why you chose to pursue a degree in dance?"I have done almost every kind of dance you know of. I guess I was best at ballet, but I had more fun in jazz and tap class. My favorite style of dance now is contemporary. I did contemporary at the Pennsylvania Ballet and in College too. But my teachers were psycho or something. It wasn't hard for me, but I hated all the improv, "act like a tree", subjective dancing. When I see a good contemporary dance these days, I LOVE it! (Mia Michaels is amazing!) I also chose to pursue a dance degree probably because it was the easiest thing for me to do and I couldn't have imagined a career in anything else at the time. Having the dance director at the school beg me to come helped too. (This is me in my 4th year of "The Nutcracker" I was the "Rose" in "Waltz of the Flowers" among some other parts. It's hard to tell, but I am wearing the short tutu in the middle of all the girls wearing the long tutus.)

Any more questions people? I liked having something interesting to write about. Thanks!


TimW8 said...

Whoa, Amanda I didn't expect you to be that honest...I had no idea Thriller was your favorite MJ song. Thanks for sharing and having the cajones to answer all those personal questions.

Shed said...

"Bunch or fold" is referring to toilet paper wiping technique. This really separates the clean from the great unclean there are in the world.

E said...

Wow, I'm impressed by your honesty, too. I learned a lot of new stuff about you. I'll have to give this a try on my blog sometime.

Thanks for saving two of my sisters so I won't be alone.

And I'm a buncher. I'm pretty sure only serial killers fold their toilet paper.

eekareek said...

I would save you too and you can count on me to help balance Amy up on your shoulders!!! That was very enjoyable and brightened my day A LOT!!!! I bunch my t.p. but Morgan is a folder. Should I be concerned??

Memzy said...

Folders are definitely someone to look twice at. Justsayin. Thanks for the answers Amanda. But you didn't answer mine about the ice cream, which I'm sure many would agree is the most important question of all.

Jennifer P. said...

I'm not sure if I should say thank you for telling us about something that must be so difficult to deal with on a daily basis, or for that dreadfully embarassing moment story (very classic Teen magazine :)!). I just have to say that your symptoms of bi-polar disorder sound very much like those of someone that use to be everything to me. Especially the self-loathing, and the awful things that went on trying to kick those feelings. But he thinks there's nothing wrong.

that was a lot of fun to read! I loved the cousin answer :)!

Anna B said...

Wow! I admire your honesty and sharing. Sorry for not making the first cut of questions. I'll pose the same question to you I posed to Emily...Who is your favorite sister? Of course I already know the answer...the one your moving next to duh! Ok, so a question I really want to know the answer to...What's your favorite childhood memory?

Emily said...

I only hope I can be as honest as you! I admire your courage and love you so much!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda dont worry about me in that fire, I can save really you guys all just run ahead!

Hot Pants said...

I don't get how I missed this post! I am so glad to have made the cut for the burning building. I'll miss you Erin.

Can't wait to see you next week!