So we have elected Barak Obama as our new President. And what I've said for months are these things:
1- I think he'll win.
2- I like him as a person, but do not like his policies.
3- His policies get me nervous.
Now that he is elected, I actually am excited to have a black president. But couldn't it have been a black guy with better policies? Maybe this guy?

The good things about him are:
He's black. (White people are nice too though.) He's young and charismatic. He's got a pretty wife who seems sweet enough and two cute daughters. And a black family in the white house sounds so cool doesn't it. Just say it out loud to yourself and see.
The things I don't like:
His economic plan. He supports abortion. He supports gay marriage. Among other things.
Which brings me to gay marriage. I am glad Prop 8 passed in California. What a mess that was! Here's where I may get people coming out of the woodwork calling me a hatemonger and all that. But guess what? I'm not. I actually like gay people too. Like this guy.

I grew up with a lot of gay people being a dancer and all. There are many gay people that I just loved to death! But I don't agree with the institution of marriage being redefined. I don't think that gay couples should adopt children. I don't think it is healthy for a child. But I am sure there are plenty of people out there to argue otherwise. And I'll let them. Just don't start getting all mean to me about it. K?
Like my super smart and cool cousin Jenny, I find politics to be fascinating as well. Especially the history of our country and how our government even came to be. Some of my favorite books to read are ones about the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. The hand of God was certainly in the building of our country. And I love it!
Like my other cousin who I barely know but I am sure is also smart and cool- Cathe, I am extremely grateful to be an American and for the great blessing it is to live in this time in this land.
So I am gonna put on a happy face and carry on and hope that our Constitution and the values our country was built on can remain in tact.
And my next post will be completely non-political! Thanks Ask Memzy for the advice. I'm thinking about it and will do.
Watching the news this morning I realized that while I rolled over unsatisfied last night, the rest of the nation seems to have had a collective orgasm.
I think you echoed my sentiments perfectly. I had so much to say about it all-- I just couldn't say it!
Now's the time, I guess, just to pray.
If you ever want a FABULOUS read about the history of our country, just google the word "providence". SUCH an amazing word with an amazing concept (one of my favorites!)--and it use to be such a part of America.
Anyway--I'm with you: Bill Cosby for president! (or maybe Wayne Brady?! :) ).
I can't believe the word orgasm is up on your comments! Too funny!
M--Was Cherie unsatisfied too?
Yeah, I'm super excited to have a black president, and I can wait to see the positive social changes that come with it. Plus, I suddenly feel cooler. I don't agree with his key policies, but I'm also not worried that the country will fall apart because of them. I hope his plans work, if not, we'll bounce back later.
The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara is an excellent civil war novel. It even won a Pulitzer.
Cherie was also unsatisfied; in the election of course.
Nice post. You said a lot of things that I was scared to post myself, so you ought to be proud.
Prop 8 hasn't passed of 10 am this morning, it's still too close to call it. It's ahead by a very tiny margin with 95% of the precincts in. In depends TOTALLY on where the unreporting precincts are.
Markie and Jenny, you gize are totally grossing me out.
This presidential election seemed a little like voting for the lesser of two evils. The decision has been made and even though I did not vote for Obama, I am wanting to support him and I am excited to have a black man as a president (is that racist?). Time will tell how our country will be but in the mean time I am going to get going on my food storage.
I could have SWORN I left a comment on here earlier toay. Did you delete me? Just kidding.
And yes Eekareek, that totally makes you racist. ::giggle::
Way to sum it up!!
Here is my philosophy on the gay issues: Life is short and love is rare. I think you should take it and cherish it NO MATTER where it comes from.
Thank you. I'll step down now.
I have no problem with you feeling the way you do about gays. Like I said, I do like gay people. Love some of them in fact. I don't think government has the right to tell anyone who to love and not to love. (And I must say that love isn't as rare as you think it is. Trust me.) I don't think government has the right to take anyone's rights away as long as those rights don't hurt or infringe on the rights of others. Complicated I know. Having said that, there are various legal implications that take away the rights of the majority if gay marriage is approved. Adoption is one of those issues I discussed. There are others. But I wont get into the details. It's an emotional topic and there are so many layers to it.
Hope my comment here doesn't bother you. I am not bothered by yours. We both know that we have different beliefs in various things. But it doesn't keep me from thinking you are a great person and I consider you to be a fantastic friend! Love ya.
One more thing.
Obviously there are issues in which one side of the party will feel their rights are being infringed upon and so that is why we vote on things. We must go with the majority to be fair.
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