Well, I've voted. I've never waited in a line that long to vote before! And living in the state that I live in, I hardly felt like it made a difference. But it was the principle right? We are mostly red over here. Not that that is a problem, it just makes you feel like your vote is just a drop in the bucket. I did not however vote all Republican. (I know I can hear a few virtual gasps coming through your screens, my way.) In some cases I voted for members of the Constitutional Party. I tried to just vote on the person's principles and visions rather than party lines. Which we are taught to do anyhow right? The party system is one of those things that gets me all frustrated inside when I think about it. So I wont even talk about it here.
I did not vote for Obama. But here's another shocker for you. I didn't vote for McCain either. I just couldn't do it. I voted for Charles Baldwin from the Constitutional Party instead.
Yeah, I know you're thinking I'm a freak. Oh well.
I titled this post "Say your prayers people", because frankly, I am worried about what is happening in our country! And to refrain from making this a real downer post, I will not elaborate on why. But I am sure many of you can guess.
On a lighter note, my children had a mock election at school a little while back. I asked them who they voted for for President. They all voted for McCain. I asked them why. Celeste and Jonah didn't really have good reasons. But Eden did. I was wondering if my kids were racist or something and so I asked "Was it because you thought that the white guy looked better than the black guy?" Eden says, "No." I felt relief. Then she continues: "I actually thought the black guy looked better. But the white guy had an elephant next to him and elephant starts with the letter 'e' and my name starts with the letter 'e' so I voted for him." Ok, good answer Miss Eden! Then I start thinking...maybe I should have voted for Bob Barr from the Libertarian Party. The reason being, if you say his name fast it sounds like "Babar". And who doesn't love that sweet elephant Babar?
Elections are so stressful. Like Markie mentioned, it's voting for either Lamen or Lemuel...not a good sign.
I agree with you. I had a hard time deciding who to vote for. I went with McCain, but in California, I might as well voted for anyone else for all the difference it'll make.
Off to do my election day duties. I'm glad this is about over..it's getting very hateful out here.
You crack me up! I have been praying all day, too. The party system does stink, and I'm not overly thrilled will politics or politicians in general. But I will vote later today, exercising the one little voice I have.
Eden cracks me up!! The sad thing is, that is better logic than any right now. I'm a little scared about what's about to happen.
I am headed off right now to go vote. It is cold, and I have a very busy day and I really hate that I have to add this onto it as well, but I need to go offset Dwight's vote. (We didn't agree this time)
They had a mock election at my kid's school, but they provided information on each candidate so the kids could make an "informed" decision. It was annoying, but I won't get into that. I'm about to go vote, and I'm in a state that could go either way which makes me feel pretty dang powerful. Watch out! Am I the only one who is not worried at all? More hopeful and excited.
Wow, am I the only one who is excited to be able to take part in a historical election? I feel so incredibly blessed. I feel so fortunate to be a woman in the USA, and with all the freedoms and rights that goes along with our citizenship. Especially as women. Ghandi came to my children's middle school a couple of years back. A question was asked by a middle schooler in how do we put a stop to wars and violence. He told the children that the solution was within everyone of us. Kindness, compassion, toward ourselves and to those around us. W I feel as long as there is kindness and compassion in the world, then there is HOPE!! I know I am a true blue optimist..But it's how I feel. I gotta go, I have to go make my red, white, and blue cake (as I wear my Obama Mama Tee shirt) to celebrate this momentous night! Happy voting
I have once again failed to register. I guess I don't feel like I should be allowed to vote, since I am so uninformed. I would vote just like Eden. Who's name sounds more regal or something dumb like that. I know you are shocked. How could I be uninformed while living with Tom who watches new 24/7? I don't know either.
Of course Cathe I am grateful for my country and opportunity to vote. But if I am not excited about any of the candidates how am I to be excited about the election. You are obviously excited about Obama and things are looking up for him. So there is no reason for you not to be enthusiastic right? But if he lost, would you still be feeling so excited? You are a true blue optimist I guess, so I suppose you would be. Good for you!
Oops I meant to say Ghandi's son..
Of course I am excited about the potential outcome that Obama may be president, but I am even more excited that we are at a time in history that a black man or a woman can run for presidency. I am proud to be an american. I am grateful to be a woman in the US.
Will I be disappointed if Obama doesn't win? yes. But none the less I am grateful that I was able to vote, and let my voice be heard.
But Obama is black.
Just kidding!! You could have just written in Mitt Romney too. I voted absentee, mostly because I don't like getting out of my pj's to choose things about my country. Makes sense right?
Memzy, you had me for a moment, you little racist!
Mandee, it's totally understandable that you wouldn't be excited about the election since you aren't excited about either candidate. That's a major downer. You are a true patriot for voting anyway cuz my hairdresser refused to vote for that very same reason, and I couldn't tell her how lame she was because my hair was in the balance. And it's pretty cool that you researched the different parties and didn't box yourself in.
I'm excited about the election, even though I've likely chosen the losing candidate (the celeb-hyped Obama-mania is like nails on chalkboard to me). I'm so fascinated with politics, and this is a historic election, which kind-of makes me feel proud. I can't wait to see how it all goes down. I'm very hopeful, whatever the outcome.
Moira had an "election" at her school too, but I almost feel like they were brainwashing her into voting for McCain. She kept saying that Obama was a bad guy and wanted to do bad things to the school. So I asked her if there were any good things he wanted to do and she said no. I asked if there were any bad things McCain wanted to do and she said no. I was upset. I hope this Republican state isn't forcing the next generation into voting the same way.
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