*It was my favorite Season yet. (I've seen Seasons 3-7.)
*The Davids were my favorite from early on. So it was great to see them make it to the end together.
*Some obnoxious moments for me was Tuesday night's boxing theme. They kept coming back to it and it was lamo!
*Another obnixious moment or I should say obnoxious moments for me was Amanda Overmeyer. Every time she opened her mouth I cringed. She sounded like she was dying of lung cancer. Did anyone else notice that her microphone was off during the group numbers except during her little solo parts? She just mixed so badly with the others.
And she reminded me of Elvira for some reason. Everyone remember Elvira? Here's a little reminder. When I found this image of her with Barney, I felt like I struck gold. Terrible photo shop job, but I wasn't about to waste the time on it. You get the idea. See the resemblance?
So all in all, the Davids were both awesome. Both really talented guys and both super nice to make it even better. I was guessing before Tuesday that David Cook was going to win. But after Tuesdays show, I wasn't so sure anymore. So I wasn't surprised when Cook won. But I have to say that as much as I loved Cook, I was disappointed.
I had to do some real thinking and inner searching. Turns out, that even though I DO like rock music, deep down, I prefer the nerdy ballads. It was hard for me to admit it to myself, but once I did, I decided I could do it to you as well. So I will definitely buy David Archuleta's album when it comes out. Cause we all know he's going to do well anyhow. It will probably be filled with sappy songs too. And David Cook I'm gonna still enjoy just like I still enjoy Chris Daughtry.
There's my review. What are your thoughts people?
There's my review. What are your thoughts people?
Ooo, I completely agree. I liked them both, and couldn't decide who to root for. Best season ever! You need TiVo, then you wouldn't waste so much time on TV. Trust me--you can watch TV when the kids are in bed and fast forward all the commercials and the boring recaps. Did you know that AI spends more time on commercials than any other TV show that I've timed? True. BIG time saver.
About your love for nerdy ballads... your blog music was our first clue. No offense, though! I'm a sucker for nerdy ballads.
Jenny, I can't have TiVo because we don't have cable or satelite. We only get a handful of channels. But I do the old school tape recordings and watch it later. I fast forward commercials and all that. But it's still time in front of the tube.
I too liked both Davids but I much prefered Cook over Archuleta. Nerdy ballads are ok but I would rather listen to rock. I was completely shocked that Cook won and very happy. I watched the 2 hour finale on my DVR in 45 minutes!!! This was definitely the best season ever.
We don't have cable or sattelite either, but I've considered getting them just for the DVR factor. But then I'd get sucked into HGTV 24 hrs. a day....
LOVED AI this year. I think Disney will take little David and put him in a High School Musical like thing, and Big David will go on to make rock music that sounds a lot like other rock music out there already. And you are invited to watch So You Think You Can Dance with me anytime--recorded on my old school VCR to watch after my kids are in bed ;)!
Um, time watching tv is one of my fave hobbies. Just so you know.
Yay for the David's! I will buy both their albums to support. Cuz I'm supportive like that.
This was for sure my favorite season yet and I've seen them ALL. I completely agree with your critique, especially the Amanda O. thing--funny! I was annoyed with the results, but I'm sure little David will be just fine.
Cook's head was freakishly large, especially next to Ryan Seacrest's freakishly small one. But I still liked them both. I was wanting little David to win a little more than David Cook. And I COMPLETELY agree about poor Amanda O.! Oh, Good times, so sad it's all over.
Also, you can set up TiVo with only an antenna and no cable.
Amanda, I, like you, am happy that season finales have come and gone, so I can spend less time in front of the tube. And I, also like you, am trying to not get sucked into So You Think You Can Dance. But as for AI, it was the best season yet (and I've been faithful since the beginning). Both David's are awesome, but I would only go to Cook's concert. That's my 2 cents!
I'm so glad you enjoyed your AI this year. You already know what a TV junkie I am. I LOVE "So You Think You Can Dance." Probably my favorite show ever.
I like So You Think You Can Dance better than AI (and I really like American Idol). Last season was the first one I watched but was SO incredible. It'll be hard to top it, but I can't wait to watch them try.
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