This is a post for you Amanda. I LOVE YOU!!! It's a rare occasion when I dare to post something on the family blog. Thanks for sharing all of the photos.
I snapped a quick self-portrait in the bathroom. It's obvious who the photogenic one is in the family (hint: not me).

This isn't too romantic, but at least it's not sappy, right? Maybe one of these days I can post about polictics or some other controversial subject. Nah.
Good night to all.
Love you sweetheart,
I think you won, Steve. Amanda's picture was way sappier. Way to play it cool. You are an awesome husband to let your family ditch you like they did.
Thanks emily :) Way to support your fave sis.
Thanks Steve!!!!! You are the greatest husband there is.
That is so sweet! I am going to have to send Tom here for some good ideas while he is away.
how nice!
Your picture is so full of hidden messages. For one, you made sure we could all see you wedding ring, that symbolizes devotion. Two, you are wearing a vertical striped shirt and on top of that, it is black and blue. I saw on the Today show that blue attracts women and vertical stripes are slimming, so that symbolizes you wanting to attract someone...probably Amanda. Third, we can see your phone, your iPhone that is. And we all know an iPhone symbolizes power. And lastly, that mirror is so clean. You are obviously letting Amanda know she will be coming home to a clean house, which all women know, is the most powerful gift you can give us. Congratulations Amanda on receiving such an amazing post!!! Steve IS the winner!
Another ideal husband making the rest of us look bad. Thanks a lot Steve.
A clean bathroom indeed!! I didn't even know Steve knew HOW to post! Saweet.
No way! You gize have an iPhone? Have you been keeping that sweet piece of info from us, or is it new?
WE don't have an Iphone. Steve got one from work. So I can't use it. "It's for his job". What's worse, is he doesn't even like it all that much. I would love to have an Iphone! I am perfectly fine with people like you who truly appreciate the beauty of them to have them.
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