
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Panel Discussion

*Trent (and possibly Anna too) don't read this. I'll get "TMI" comments.

So I've got a question for everyone and I want all of your input. K?

Let me give you some background first.
You know how when you first got married or first fell in love you were all over each other? How you couldn't help but steal a kiss at every stop light? How annoying you were to everyone else but the two of you? Well, guess what? Steve and I are still kind of that way. We have gotten tons better about not making out in front of people. When we have to be out in public or with other people for a given period of time, it gets a little tough and we will sometimes sneak off somewhere just to get a little sumpim sumpin; which has at times caused some embarrassment when we get caught...but that's another story. The problem here is that at home in front of our kids we haven't quite mastered the art. Yesterday Steve and I were kissing and hugging each other. It was hot. I mean we weren't laying down or anything like that, but we were enjoying ourselves, and I hear Eden say with a huge sigh of complete exasperation "Romance!" She was probably rolling her eyes if we had bothered to stop and look at her. I'm starting to notice that my kids are making comments about our behavior.
So that is my question to you all:
What is ok and NOT ok to do in front of your kids with your spouse?
I know the obvious so don't even mention it! Sickos.
Go ahead and go throw up first if I've grossed you out. Then come back and tell me what you think. I'm serious. I really want to know.


Hot Pants said...

First of all, get a room.
Second of all, I grew up with parents who showed A LOT of "affection" with each other. Although it grossed me out, I was always glad they let us know they loved each other.
Third of all, I will say it can be a bit awkward, when I am around someone who can't seem to keep their hands off each other, when I myself am bridling my own passions...(Just had this lesson w/ the YW)
Fourth of all, there are many ways to show your love for each other.
Fifth of all, who cares, just make out.
Sixth of all, wait till I'm gone please.
Seventh of all, if you can't wait, I'll get over it, so just do what you want.
Eighth of all, really do wait for me to not be around though, because I do tend to stare, then I really will feel awkward.

Jennifer P. said...

I am soooo grossed out I don't even know what to say :)! HA!

I say as long as your kids know it all comes with the priveledges of marriage---I say make out all you want ;)! At least they'll always know mom and dad REALLY love eachother!

Memzy said...

Well, I might not be the best one to answer this question. But I'm AskMemzy so nevermind. Shed makes funny comment whilst slapping my skadoosh many times a day. I've tried to tell him that our kids are old enough now to ixnay on the outchingtay, but he just won't stop. So, I figgered. Whatchagonnado?

My friend's parents always told him openly "Your dad and I have a very good sex life." And it made him uncomfortable but he also loved knowing how happy they were.

E said...

Great discussion topic.

I don’t think it’s wrong to show affection in front of your kids. I agree that parents showing affection for each other is a positive thing for kids to see, and you are in the privacy of your own home, so go at it. I'd be more concerned if a married couple didn't behave that way at home.

That being said, I'd refrain from doing it in front of extended family (me) and friends, unless the occasion calls for it (like newly married or an anniversary party or something). You and Steve have never done this to me so I don’t know how openly affectionate you are, but I know a few couples who are pretty bad. It's very awkward and makes everyone else feel uncomfortable, thus it’s impolite behavior. As Amy said, we are all bridling our passions and expect the same consideration in return. So, sneak off somewhere and get your fix if you must, but don’t flaunt it, and certainly don't get caught.(<--need to hear that story)

Emily said...

It gets a little tricky when your kids start becoming teenagers. You don't want to traumatize your kids (remember YOUR experience that included hiding in a closet afterwards?).

ManicMandee said...

It was actually a small cabinet Emily and I was like 16.

Memzy said...

Um, those need to be shared.^^

Don't hold out!

Anonymous said...

Amanda some of my fondest memories were walking in with my dads hand up my moms shirt..Dont deny it pops and mom, it was nasty then but what i would give for a guys hand up my shirt..that was a total joke!

lovedkat said...

Morgan and I don't have that problem. We are completely platonic. But since I am giving you gize some advice, I would say to just keep Steve at your flanks when it is not appropriate timing. If you can not control your urges just think, What Would Jesus Do?

Anna B said...

It was a little TMI but so is this...

When our kids get grossed out we just turn to them and say "How do you think you got here stupid?"

ManicMandee said...

Sorry Memzy, that story you want cannot be shared. Out of respect for mom and dad and also because I don't have a shred of desire to share it with anyone. (Whole body shiver...)

And Jenny you don't need to hear about all those times we got caught. Trust me.

Cristin said...

times??? there's more than 1???? SWEET! haha

I think it's great you guys still have the passion! It's good for your kids too...but this is coming from someone whose parents weren't affectionate with each other in front of us so the one time my dad kissed my mom in front of was shocking and I was a teenager. I agree with the others that refraining in front of others/cousins/friends/family or finding a nice quiet place to make out is better.

TimW8 said...

Andy can tell you a horrific experience he had while sharing a cabin on a cruise with Brenda and I. Maybe if you guys bug enough him he can post some mental pictures on his blog.
It's never too far until you get arrested or some one screams the "code word."

Micah said...

Believe me Tim, I've heard that story and will NEVER forget it!

ManicMandee said...

Before you all get confused, it was me that made that comment. I was at Anna's and snuck in while Micah was apparently still signed on to his blog.

ManicMandee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Memzy said...

Darnit! Well, if you ever write it down (like in a moment of Ambien induced euphoria) make sure to send me a copy.

Vegas Family said...

I think there is probably such a thing as too much "romance" in front of the kids. They can get a little traumatized. But, they also like knowing their parents like each other- so smooch away. (I'd keep the handcuffs hidden though)

Anonymous said...

I say go for it, it's your house...right?